
HomeNotification for retired/transferred faculty members and graduated students

Tutorial Notification for retired/transferred faculty members and graduated students

To retired/transferred faculty members and graduated students

Deleting your account's files and usage of mail

Accounts which retired/transferred faculty members and graduated students own are going to be invalid on 15th April. After that, you cannot access variety of services Information and Media center offers.

  • Your files on home directory and Google Drive files will be deleted.
  • You should back up your data that you want to keep by yourself.
  • Till 30th April, you will receive mails for enrollments due to the settings of system.
  • You can still use the address such as @tut.jp or @edu.tut.ac.jp which you used to use.The usage can be referred from here.

Uninstalling of Microsoft software

Office 365, Windows and Office services cannot be used by who are not a member of the university.
Retired/transferred faculty members and graduated students must uninstall all those software.

Uninstalling of Anti-virus software

Anti-virus software "F-Secure Computer Protection" via F-Secure which Information and Media center is contracting as master license cannot be used by who are not a member of the university.
Retired/transferred faculty members and graduated students must uninstall the software downloaded though Information and Media center.

How to unintall

How to uninstalling of Anti-virus can be referred from here.

Service of hard drive degaussers

During of the end of the semester, it tends to increase the amount of disposal hard disk. However, it is important to erase the data completely from the perspective of information leak.
Information and Media center has the equipment that can erase data of hard disk completely by powerful magnetism.
Faculty members/students who want to use the equipment, contact the office, 1st floor of Information and Media center. (Mail address: office*)


Technical issues of the service Extension number of office: 6639, Email address: supports*
Paperwork issues of the service Extension number of office: 6639, Email address: office*

This "*" mark is for @imc.tut.ac.jp. Send mail with the address plus @imc.tut.ac.jp.