

Subnet Applications

Application for Educational system/wireless LAN

Please send the following application form below to, if you wish to use educational system or wireless LAN for participants of seminars or academic research meetings held at the university.
If you do not have any e-mail address, submit to the office on the first floor of the Information and Media Center.

Application for Educational system/wireless LAN

Submission must be done a week before use.

Application for Information and Media center account

To whom has no faculty/student number (for long term use by fixed users) and wish to use account of Information and Media center, please send the following application form below to

Application for Information and Media center account

Submission must be done a week before use.

・Continue to use Information and Media center account

To whom has no faculty/student number (for long term use by fixed users) and wish to continue using account of Information and Media center, please send the following application form below to
If you do not have any e-mail address, submit to the office on the first floor of the Information and Media Center.

Application for continue use of Information and Media center account

Request for changing VLAN

If you want to change the setting of VLAN for information outlet of laboratory, fill the following form and send it to

Text file

For entry feed of subnet address, fill subnet address or "VLAN for laboratory".

Caution and affirmation for using computers and networks

Application for a subnet connection

Those who wish to connect subnet refer the procedure for connecting a subnet and send an application form to
If there are not any available e-mail address, submit the application form to the office, 1st floor of Information and Media Center.

Application for subnet addresses

About routing, those who selected "A. By the routing service of Information and Media Center" must read the description for routing service.
Those who selected "A. By the routing service of Information and Media Center " or "B. Connect the segment 133.15…"  must submit application for subnet connection and list of devises in subnet connection.

Application for subnet connection

List of devises in subnet connection

Request for change of the VLAN setting

To change the VLAN setting of the information outlets in laboratories, use the following format.

Text file

Application for server installation

To publish servers to outside the university, submit the following application form to

Application form for server installation


  1. An application for a DNS server installation must be submitted due to the open resolver issue (Jan. 2015). However, no application is required for the installation of a DNS cache server.
  2. Servers that can be accessed only via VPN (from off-campus network) do not need to be registered.

Notes for www web servers

  1. If you have a non-www server using port 80 or 8080, please submit the application for that server. (The connection will be blocked by the firewall if you do not submit.)
  2. Observe the information security policy of the university and do not send information that may provide a clue to attackers. Establish a system that prevents hacking.
  3. When a web server is hacked,
    • Unplug the network cable promptly and contact the IMC (ext. 6639).
    • As rebooting the server may erase any trace of the hacking, be careful not to reboot the server after the cable is unplugged.
    • IMC will verify that the computer has been hacked from outside the university as possible, so please help us to preserve the evidence as far as possible.
    • The disks of a hacked server will be unavailable for a long term to preserve the evidence.
  4. Administrators of devices should ensure the security of information by upgrading the OS of their web servers promptly and manage the update status of security software.
  5. When the server is used only as a web server and does not require remote login, do not start sshd/rshd/telnetd.

Incident Report

When a computer security incident occurs, for example, a managed device is infected by a virus or hacked by a cracker from outside the university, submit a report in the following format to

Application for domain name

A domain name is obtained by following the campus domain assignment policy. To obtain a fourth-level domain name, submit a domain name application to Network Division Manager.