
HomeApplication Methods

Research Application Methods

Application for Use of Computer System

*In accordance with the revision of the service content, Kyoto University supercomputer system contract will be terminated at the end of March 2023.  Please note that the service will not be available after April 2023.

The Information and Media Center (IMC) provides systems for research use and for general use.
For details of the systems available, please refer to the table below.
Registration is required to use systems for research use.

For use of computer systems and the Kyoto University Supercomputer System, it is necessary to submit a request for research use. From now on, these procedures are done through the website below. Please login with the account that IMC issued for both user and payment responsible person.
 For online application (Only available from the on-campus network), go to:

  Procedure for Submitting the Application for Use of Computer System (PDF)

[Flow of online application for use of the computer system]
1. The user applies for use of the computer system through the website.
2. IMC sends a notification email to the person responsible for payment.
3. The person responsible for payment checks the application online and confirms it (or corrects errors if necessary).
4. IMC receives the application and processes the approval.
5. IMC sends a notification of the approval to the user.

<Other notes>
- Students and staff/faculty members belonging to a laboratory can apply for registration for research use.
 - Because registration is required every academic year, select “New” when applying the system for the first time in an academic year.
 - In the Job title/Year field, select your prospective job title or grade at the time of use.
 - For research use, Kyoto University Supercomputer System is also available. If you wish to request to use the system, check the appropriate box and enter the following information.
 - Kyoto University user number (if you have one)
 - Research field code


- When graduating from the university or handing over a job to another researcher, back up the necessary data by yourself.
 - For users whose Employee/Student ID number will change in the new academic year, a new account will be created.
Input the reason why your Employee/Student ID number will change (e.g., because your academic position will change from student to researcher) in the Remarks field.

If you have trouble with input information (e.g., A person responsible for payment cannot be selected when applying for registration online), you may apply with a paper form. Fill in the Application for Use of Computer System and submit it to the IMC reception desk (office).

Registered Classification (Revised in April 2023)

Type Systems Fees
For Research Use
  • Kyoto University Supercomputer
  • Cluster system for research use (Not limited in use)
  • Terminals for research use
  • Systems for educational use
    (Disk capacity: 20 GB)
  • Registration fee: \1,000
  • CPU usage fee:
    • An additional \1,000 charged per 5,000 hours
  • Maximum number of printout pages: 500 in A4 size
For General Use
  • Cluster system for research use (Limited in use)
  • Systems for educational use
    (Disk capacity: 20 GB)
  • Maximum number of printout pages: 300 in A4 size
Print Charge
  • A4 printer: \400/100 sheets