
HomeOpening Hours / Time Schedule of Classes

Classroom Opening Hours / Time Schedule of Classes

Opening hours

Weekdays 8:30-18:00 *Closed on weekends and holidays

  OS Number of computer terminals Opening hours Remarks
Terminal Room 1
(Former computer lab)
Windows10 81 units Classroom hours
Terminal Room 2
(Former terminal room for general use)
Windows10 41 units Classroom hours You can use the self-study terminals from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays (reception desk is open until 16:30).
Multimedia Classroom Windows10 56 units Classroom hours  
Library Workstation Area Windows10 15 units Same as library opening hours TUT Library Computing & Connecting
  • For the use of Terminal Rooms/Multimedia Classroom, priority is given to classes.
    Please check the time schedule of classes below.
    After class, students leave the room and may use terminals in the Independent Study Terminal Room or Library  Workstation Area.
  • Computer terminals cannot be used on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays as well as during the year-end and New Year holidays.
  • Computer terminals may not be available due to maintenance or other operational reason.
    Please allow enough time for use of computer terminals when preparing a report for class. Temporary closing of the IMC will be announced via IMC news.
  • To use a room to hold a lecture meeting or workshop, it is necessary to first submit the prescribed application form to the IMC.